Are regulators standing in the way of the modern NHS?

19th April 2018

Baroness Dido Harding joins the Cambridge Health Network to discuss her experience as a woman running a FTSE 250 company. During her time at TalkTalk, Dido transformed the customer experience. Steering the company during a testing time for the telecommunications sector, whilst technology changed rapidly as did the threats it posed, for example the widely covered cyber-attack in 2015. As CEO, Dido challenged and debated the purpose of regulation, now as Chair of the health regulator, NHS Improvement, we will be asking how her experience shapes her decisions today.

The NHS faces an ongoing challenge to reduce costs, improve efficiency, patient safety and outcomes, as technology and consumer expectations are changing faster than ever. Regulators and other ALBs aim to support the evolution of the NHS by highlighting good practice, shining a light on poor care and steering the system in the right direction.

In this Cambridge Health Network event we take a deep dive into the world of regulation and ask ‘are regulators, such as NHS Improvement really helping, or are they just hindering the progress of the NHS?’

The event will take place on April 19. Registration will take place from 5:30 for a prompt 6pm start. Following the talk, there will be drinks and canapés until 8:30pm.