Previous events

Over the past sixteen years, CHN have hosted over 100 events with over 150 speakers from the NHS, private sector and abroad. To view all our events from previous years, click through our events archive below, sorting through years using the menu on the right:

  • Digitising the patient experience – clinical, operational and economic benefits of patient portals for NHS hospitals

    On 8th July we hosted an online interactive discussion about the strategic value derived from digital patient facing services. The session included advice and lessons learned deploying digital solutions, predictions on the future priorities for digitising the patient experience as well as the clinical, operational and economic benefits of patient

    8th July 2020

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  • Health data and digital health post COVID: balancing ethics, value and speeding innovation

    What have we learnt from COVID-19 so far and will the world ever be the same again?

    Join us on Wednesday 3 June at 5pm for an online discussion and assessment of the value of data, privacy ethics and achieving the right outcome for patients and the public. Our panel includes:

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