Previous events

Over the past sixteen years, CHN have hosted over 100 events with over 150 speakers from the NHS, private sector and abroad. To view all our events from previous years, click through our events archive below, sorting through years using the menu on the right:

  • Genomic Medicine and the Mainstream

    How does the ecosystem need to come together to bring the benefits of genomic medicine into the mainstream?

    Chris Wigley is the CEO of Genomics England, which exists to push insights from cutting edge genomics data analytics into routine medical care.

    22nd September 2021

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  • In Conversation with Sir Simon Stevens

    We are delighted that for our ‘comeback' event on July 14th, Sir Simon Stevens will be our guest speaker.

    Simon was our very first speaker in 2004, has joined us many times over the years and we are delighted he has agreed to speak to our network as we come out of

    14th July 2021

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