Integrated Care Systems: Recipe for success or yet another moving of the deckchairs?
On 8th November McKinsey and Co generously hosted us for an event discussing Integrated Care Systems (ICSs).
Our speakers were Penny (who therefore didn’t co-chair for the evening!), Frances O’Callaghan (CEO of NCL ICS) and Roland Sinker (CEO of Cambridge University Hospitals NHS FT and interim CEO of the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough ICS).
All three speakers spoke about the potential of ICSs to bring together organisations from across the health and care spectrum to improve population health, reduce inequalities and ensure consistently high quality and cost efficient care delivery.
They all recognised the challenges inherent in this – from building new ways of working to changing the mindset/culture of providers from competition to collaboration.
It seemed clear that there will be a diversity in approach between the ICSs as they develop in their various areas.
The discussion was wide-ranging, as ever, with a focus on the importance of data, on being able to move resources around and on ensuring new models of care, particularly for primary care/out of hospital care more widely.
With thanks to CHN sponsors Acacium Group and IQVIA, and to McKinsey & Co for hosting the event.