The Road to Recovery for Elective Care: summary in 10 points


Last week we had a great conversation about elective recovery led by Stella Vig and Julian Hartley. 

The conversation was wide ranging and covered ten areas which need to be improved/focused on:

  1. Manage the front door – far too many people on waiting lists for outpatients and having surgery who could have been better managed elsewhere/didn’t need appointments. Interesting example of Saudi which has a single point of access – for patients/users to make/book appointments and for clinical and managerial staff to ensure appropriate care
  2. Manage the back door – tackle social care
  3. Processes, processes, processes – good management, expertise from outside NHS, other industries etc
  4. Continuously review/question how things work – what could be different/better?
  5. Adopt technology
  6. Raise Capital – to invest particularly in technology
  7. Change the capital regimen
  8. Re-energise and inspire the workforce
  9. Have a clear strategy and plan to appropriately design elective care services
  10. Move from top down performance management to improvement based approach

Thank you to our Principal Supporters and generous hosts, Acacium Group.