Previous events

Over the past sixteen years, CHN have hosted over 100 events with over 150 speakers from the NHS, private sector and abroad. To view all our events from previous years, click through our events archive below, sorting through years using the menu on the right:

  • Where are we with digital?

    After years of discussion and debate about how digital advancements will change the face of modern medicine, how we can harness and utilise its full potential and improve survival rates and NHS efficiencies. We ask ‘When will it deliver?’

    Juliet Bauer will discuss the issues she has faced as the Director

    18th October 2017

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  • A conversation with Matthew Swindells

    The Cambridge Health Network is glad to welcome NHS England’s National Director for Operations and Information. Matthew Swindells has kindly agreed to speak to the Cambridge Health Network during their Autumn Programme. After completing the first year in his new position, Matthew will be discussing his journey. From

    28th September 2017

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