Previous events

Over the past sixteen years, CHN have hosted over 100 events with over 150 speakers from the NHS, private sector and abroad. To view all our events from previous years, click through our events archive below, sorting through years using the menu on the right:

  • Restarting services post COVID-19: How can an AI solution help?

    A panel of experts from across the NHS and industry will discuss how they believe AI can play a critical role in helping providers of routine services manage the impending backlogs, as well as the key factors that should be taken into consideration when choosing an AI solution.

    Our speakers are

      6th May 2020

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    • Primary Care Networks: nine months in, have they delivered?

      Arguments over contracts and fears for funding - is this all we're going to get?

      Join us on Thursday 13 February to discuss the past and present of PCNs and their potential for the future.

      Our panel for the evening will include:

      • Nav Chana, National Clinical Director
      • Matthew Kershaw, Chief Executive

        13th February 2020

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